Hole In One - $10,000  /  First Prize - $1000
Second Prize - $750  /  Third Prize - $500
Various Games & Prizes, Free Hot Dog at the Turn, and More!

Click To Register Now!

2024 Charity Golf Tournament - Friday, June 14th!

Register online now or become a sponsor!

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Our new Indoor Sports Complex is nearly complete and will meet the recreation needs of South Union Township residents, and also residents throughout the surrounding area.  This project has grown in scope and once finished it will have a huge positive impact on our community.

Our Township is growing and we have outgrown the existing Recreation Center.  We are in the process of broadening our recreation horizon in new and exciting ways. 

Part of our strategy is to continue expanding youth athletics in our community, and so we will continue to hold our annual charity golf tournament as a beneficial yearly funding source to support youth athletics in South Union Township.  We would appreciate your help by joining us on Friday, June 14, 2024 as a participating golfer or become an important tournament sponsor by choosing from a variety of sponsorships and as an alternative make a cash donation

Call 724-366-9591 with any questions.

All funds received will be used for expanding youth athletics in our community.  All contributions are tax deductible. 

Check-in for the golf tournament begins at 8:00 AM. Scramble Format. Shotgun Start at 9:00 AM.  Free Hot Dog at the Turn.  Lunch will be provided after the tournament.

Make Checks Payable to South Union Township.

Fees are $100 per Person, $200 per Twosome $400 per Foursome. First, second, and third place cash prizes will be awarded. Lunch immediately following completion of golfing. Additional games & prizes too.


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